Privacy statement

Registry name customer register

Purpose of the register

The purpose of this register is to store passenger information, enable customer service-required contacts and maintain customer relations.

The customer’s data can be used for electronic targeted marketing, if the customer has given his consent. In addition to this, the register is collected to enable online trading using the website, such as the transmission of order information, billing information, payment confirmation information or processing information between the merchant and the customer.

Information can be disclosed within the limits required by valid legislation. Data is not transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area.

Data content of the register

First and last name
Contact information: address and post office, telephone number, e-mail address
Possible customer-specific accommodation information
Companies are also asked: company name, Y-ID

Registry protection

Complete register data can only be accessed by the controller and the employees of the companies acting on its behalf and on behalf of the controller. The databases related to the register are protected by firewalls, passwords and other generally accepted technical means in the field of information security.

The information is treated confidentially, and the purpose of its collection is communication between the system and the person using the service, which is essentially related to customer service.

Right of inspection

In accordance with § 26 of the Personal Data Act, the registered person has the right to check what information concerning him has been stored in the personal register. The inspection request must be made in writing with a signed letter or in person at the registrar’s office.

The keeper of the register

CTT Vuokrauspalvelut